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  9. 노스캐롤라이나 주
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  11. Beaufort
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  13. 바스


바스로컬라이제이션 : 국토 미국, 국가 노스캐롤라이나 주, 카운티 Beaufort.
사용 가능한 정보 : 주소, 전화, 팩스, 웹사이트, 시장, 지리좌표, 주민수, 구역, 고도, 날씨호텔.
가까운 도시 및 마을 : 벨헤이븐오로라.


바스코드 (FIPS)3703840
바스시장James G Latham

바스연락처 정보

바스주소103 S King Street, PO Drawer 6 A
Bath, NC 27808-0006
United States
바스전화()252) 923-0212
국제: +1 252-923-0212
바스팩스()252) 923-0313
국제: +1 252-923-0313
기타 정보Cities and Towns in the United States : Bath
바스출생증명서, 바스사망증명서


바스주민수275 주민
바스인구밀도115.5 /㎢


바스지리좌표위도: 35.4718, 경도: -76.8105
35° 28′ 18″ 북쪽, 76° 48′ 38″ 서쪽
바스구역238 헥타르
2.38 ㎢
바스고도2 m
바스기후온난 습윤 기후 (쾨펜의 기후 구분: Cfa)


뉴욕 630 km로스앤젤레스 3780 km시카고 1180 km
휴스턴 1850 km필라델피아 526 km 가장 가까운피닉스 3225 km
샌안토니오 2141 km샌디에이고 3701 km댈러스 1859 km
새너제이 4000 km잭슨빌 729 km인디애나폴리스 952 km


바스가까운 도시 및 마을

벨헤이븐 18.7 km오로라 18.9 km


바스현지 시간
바스시간대UTC -5:00 (America/New_York)
하계 UTC -4:00
동계 UTC -5:00


바스일출과 일몰

하루일출과 일몰황혼천문 황혼해상 황혼
17 3월12:14 - 18:15 - 00:1611:48 - 00:4111:19 - 01:11 10:49 - 01:41
18 3월12:12 - 18:15 - 00:1711:47 - 00:4211:17 - 01:12 10:47 - 01:42
19 3월12:11 - 18:14 - 00:1811:46 - 00:4311:16 - 01:13 10:46 - 01:43
20 3월12:09 - 18:14 - 00:1911:44 - 00:4411:14 - 01:14 10:44 - 01:44
21 3월12:08 - 18:14 - 00:1911:43 - 00:4511:13 - 01:15 10:43 - 01:45
22 3월12:07 - 18:13 - 00:2011:41 - 00:4611:12 - 01:15 10:41 - 01:46
23 3월12:05 - 18:13 - 00:2111:40 - 00:4611:10 - 01:16 10:40 - 01:46


호텔 Quality Inn WashingtonQuality Inn Washington

This Quality Inn is within minutes of downtown and the historic waterfront area of Washington... 자세히 보기
$US 65
호텔 Days Inn WashingtonDays Inn Washington

This North Carolina hotel features a seasonal outdoor pool and offers cable TV with HBO in every room. Tar River is less than 1 mile from Days Inn Washington. Free Wi-Fi and a coffee maker are included in the warmly decorated rooms... 자세히 보기
$US 66
호텔 Econo Lodge North WashingtonEcono Lodge North Washington
The Econo Lodge North is located within six miles of the Washington Civic Center and Beaufort County Community College. Shaw University, East Carolina University and Washington Square Mall are nearby... 자세히 보기
$US 40
호텔 Comfort Inn WashingtonComfort Inn Washington

The Comfort Inn hotel is located within one mile of downtown Washington. Beaufort Memorial Hospital, Beaufort County Community College, Shaw University, Greenville Museum of Art, the Colonial Mall and Washington Square Mall are all nearby... 자세히 보기
$US 70
호텔 Hampton Inn WashingtonHampton Inn Washington

With easy access to Highways 17 and 264, this hotel is 3.3 miles from the Warren Field Airport. It serves a hot breakfast every morning and features an indoor pool. Free Wi-Fi access and cable TV are included in every room at Hampton Inn Washington... 자세히 보기
$US 102
기타 호텔 »



직접 링크
DB-City.com바스 3.7/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
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