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  11. Cortland
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  13. 호머


호머로컬라이제이션 : 국토 미국, 국가 뉴욕 주, 카운티 Cortland.
사용 가능한 정보 : 주소, 웹사이트, 지리좌표, 주민수, 구역, 고도, 날씨호텔.
가까운 도시 및 마을 : 코트랜드, 코트랜드빌섬머힐.


호머코드 (FIPS)3635276

호머연락처 정보

호머주소31 N MAIN ST
HOMER NY 13077
United States
기타 정보Cities and Towns in the United States : Homer
호머출생증명서, 호머사망증명서


호머주민수3,368 주민
호머인구밀도670.9 /㎢


호머지리좌표위도: 42.6372, 경도: -76.1854
42° 38′ 14″ 북쪽, 76° 11′ 7″ 서쪽
호머구역502 헥타르
5.02 ㎢
호머고도347 m
호머기후습윤 대륙성 기후 (쾨펜의 기후 구분: Dfb)


뉴욕 288 km 가장 가까운로스앤젤레스 3768 km시카고 951 km
휴스턴 2232 km필라델피아 305 km피닉스 3275 km
샌안토니오 2476 km샌디에이고 3727 km댈러스 2109 km
새너제이 3891 km잭슨빌 1453 km인디애나폴리스 892 km


호머가까운 도시 및 마을

코트랜드 4.1 km코트랜드빌 5.8 km섬머힐 10.2 km
스콧 10.9 km프레블 12.9 km솔론 14 km
버질 14.2 km트럭스톤 15.5 km그로튼 15.5 km
셈프로니우스 15.6 km드라이든 18.9 km툴리 18.9 km


호머현지 시간
호머시간대UTC -5:00 (America/New_York)
하계 UTC -4:00
동계 UTC -5:00


호머일출과 일몰

하루일출과 일몰황혼천문 황혼해상 황혼
25 3월11:58 - 18:10 - 00:2211:30 - 00:5110:56 - 01:24 10:22 - 01:58
26 3월11:56 - 18:10 - 00:2411:28 - 00:5210:54 - 01:25 10:20 - 01:59
27 3월11:54 - 18:09 - 00:2511:26 - 00:5310:53 - 01:26 10:18 - 02:01
28 3월11:52 - 18:09 - 00:2611:24 - 00:5410:51 - 01:28 10:16 - 02:02
29 3월11:51 - 18:09 - 00:2711:22 - 00:5510:49 - 01:29 10:14 - 03:04
30 3월12:49 - 19:09 - 01:2812:21 - 01:5711:47 - 02:30 11:12 - 03:05
31 3월12:47 - 19:08 - 01:2912:19 - 01:5811:45 - 02:31 11:10 - 03:06


호텔 Holiday Inn Express - CortlandHoliday Inn Express - Cortland

Located just off Interstate 81 and 5 minutes’ drive from the centre of Cortland, this hotel features an indoor pool. Free Wi-Fi and a daily breakfast are provided... 자세히 보기
$US 109
호텔 Comfort Inn CortlandComfort Inn Cortland
The Comfort Inn Cortland hotel is located just off Interstate 81, near a number of higher education centers, including Cornell University and SUNY Cortland (State University of New York College at Cortland)... 자세히 보기
$US 93
호텔 Quality Inn CortlandQuality Inn Cortland
The Quality Inn hotel is located with easy access to Interstate 81. It is convenient to area attractions, like the Greek Peak ski area, Finger Lakes Wine Country, the Cortland Country Music Park, Carrier Dome and the Empire Expo Center, home of the..... 자세히 보기
$US 80
호텔 Ramada Inn CortlandRamada Inn Cortland

Located right off Interstate 81 and 20 minutes from Labrador Mountain Ski Area, this pet friendly hotel offers an indoor pool, on-site restaurant, and free in-room Wi-Fi... 자세히 보기
$US 68
호텔 Hampton Inn CortlandHampton Inn Cortland

Equipped with a number of thoughtful amenities, including in-room microwaves and mini-refrigerators, this Cortland, New York hotel is near the Finger Lakes region and provides easy access to local attractions... 자세히 보기
$US 125
기타 호텔 »


원자력 발전소

James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant 100 kmNine Mile Point Nuclear Generating Station 100 kmR. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 116.1 km


직접 링크
DB-City.com호머 3.2/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
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