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  9. 사우스캐롤라이나 주
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  11. Lancaster
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  13. 커쇼


커쇼로컬라이제이션 : 국토 미국, 국가 사우스캐롤라이나 주, 카운티 Lancaster.
사용 가능한 정보 : 주소, 전화, 팩스, 웹사이트, 지리좌표, 주민수, 구역, 고도, 날씨호텔.
가까운 도시 및 마을 : 히스 스프링스.


커쇼코드 (FIPS)4538095

커쇼연락처 정보

커쇼주소113 S Hampton St, PO Box 145
Kershaw SC 29067
United States
커쇼전화()803) 475-6065
국제: +1 803-475-6065
커쇼팩스()803) 475-4405
국제: +1 803-475-4405
기타 정보Cities and Towns in the United States : Kershaw
커쇼출생증명서, 커쇼사망증명서


커쇼주민수1,803 주민
커쇼인구밀도374.8 /㎢


커쇼지리좌표위도: 34.5444, 경도: -80.5865
34° 32′ 40″ 북쪽, 80° 35′ 11″ 서쪽
커쇼구역481 헥타르
4.81 ㎢
커쇼고도156 m
커쇼기후온난 습윤 기후 (쾨펜의 기후 구분: Cfa)


뉴욕 898 km로스앤젤레스 3459 km시카고 1021 km
휴스턴 1490 km필라델피아 776 km피닉스 2895 km
샌안토니오 1782 km샌디에이고 3373 km댈러스 1510 km
새너제이 3700 km잭슨빌 479 km 가장 가까운인디애나폴리스 763 km


커쇼가까운 도시 및 마을


커쇼현지 시간
커쇼시간대UTC -5:00 (America/New_York)
하계 UTC -4:00
동계 UTC -5:00


커쇼일출과 일몰

하루일출과 일몰황혼천문 황혼해상 황혼
31 3월13:09 - 19:26 - 01:4212:44 - 02:0812:14 - 02:37 11:44 - 03:08
1 4월13:08 - 19:26 - 01:4312:43 - 02:0812:13 - 02:38 11:42 - 03:09
2 4월13:07 - 19:25 - 01:4412:41 - 02:0912:11 - 02:39 11:41 - 03:10
3 4월13:05 - 19:25 - 01:4512:40 - 02:1012:10 - 02:40 11:39 - 03:11
4 4월13:04 - 19:25 - 01:4512:39 - 02:1112:09 - 02:41 11:38 - 03:12
5 4월13:03 - 19:24 - 01:4612:37 - 02:1212:07 - 02:42 11:36 - 03:12
6 4월13:01 - 19:24 - 01:4712:36 - 02:1212:06 - 02:43 11:35 - 03:13


호텔 Super 8 LancasterSuper 8 Lancaster

Featuring an outdoor pool and a continental breakfast, this hotel is located 5 minutes’ drive from Central Lancaster. The University of South Carolina Lancaster is 1 mile away. Free Wi-Fi is provided... 자세히 보기
$US 50
호텔 Quality Inn LancasterQuality Inn Lancaster

The Quality Inn in Lancaster, SC offers easy access to the historic downtown area, which offers a variety of local shops and historical buildings, including the boyhood home of former President Andrew Jackson... 자세히 보기
$US 80
호텔 Guest Lodge - PagelandGuest Lodge - Pageland
Guests at this Pageland motel will be greeted with fresh coffee at the 24-hour reception and can enjoy free Wi-Fi throughout their stay. The North Carolina-South Carolina border is 5 miles away... 자세히 보기
$US 62
호텔 Parkview MotelParkview Motel

This motel is located on Route 1 in Camden, South Carolina. It is 2 miles from the Historic Camden Revolutionary War Site and features free Wi-Fi. The boldly coloured traditional guest rooms at the Parkview Motel include cable TV and a telephone... 자세히 보기
$US 55
호텔 Ramada Limited - LugoffRamada Limited - Lugoff

The Ramada Limited Lugoff is located 3 miles from Camden city centre. Guests will enjoy a daily continental breakfast or maybe a swim in the on-site outdoor pool. Cable TV is provided in every room of this Lugoff hotel along with free Wi-Fi... 자세히 보기
$US 65
기타 호텔 »


원자력 발전소

H. B. Robinson Nuclear Generating Station 42.3 kmCatawba Nuclear Station 71.7 kmVirgil C. Summer Nuclear Generating Station 72.3 km


직접 링크
DB-City.com커쇼 3.7/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
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