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  13. 피오리아


피오리아로컬라이제이션 : 국토 미국, 국가 애리조나 주, 카운티 Maricopa.
사용 가능한 정보 : 주소, 전화, 팩스, 이메일, 웹사이트, 시장, 지리좌표, 주민수, 구역, 고도, 날씨호텔.
가까운 도시 및 마을 : 서프라이즈.


피오리아코드 (FIPS)0454050
피오리아시장Bob Barrett

피오리아연락처 정보

피오리아주소8401 West Monroe Street
Peoria AZ 85345
United States
피오리아전화()623) 773-7000
국제: +1 623-773-7000
피오리아팩스()623) 773-7304
국제: +1 623-773-7304
피오리아이메일[email protected]
기타 정보Cities and Towns in the United States : Peoria
피오리아출생증명서, 피오리아사망증명서


피오리아주민수154,065 주민
피오리아인구밀도334.3 /㎢


피오리아지리좌표위도: 33.7877, 경도: -112.311
33° 47′ 16″ 북쪽, 112° 18′ 40″ 서쪽
피오리아구역46,090 헥타르
460.90 ㎢
피오리아고도581 m
피오리아기후스텝 기후 (쾨펜의 기후 구분: BSh)


뉴욕 3458 km로스앤젤레스 564 km시카고 2333 km
휴스턴 1660 km필라델피아 3356 km피닉스 32 km 가장 가까운
샌안토니오 1392 km샌디에이고 462 km댈러스 1449 km
새너제이 945 km잭슨빌 2906 km인디애나폴리스 2416 km


피오리아가까운 도시 및 마을


영국 Ards


피오리아현지 시간
피오리아시간대UTC -7:00 (America/Phoenix)
하계와 동계 시간이 표준시간과 동일합니다


피오리아일출과 일몰

하루일출과 일몰황혼천문 황혼해상 황혼
20 3월14:31 - 20:36 - 02:4114:07 - 03:0513:38 - 03:34 13:08 - 04:04
21 3월14:30 - 20:36 - 02:4114:05 - 03:0613:36 - 03:35 13:07 - 04:05
22 3월14:29 - 20:35 - 02:4214:04 - 03:0713:35 - 03:36 13:05 - 04:06
23 3월14:27 - 20:35 - 02:4314:03 - 03:0813:33 - 03:37 13:04 - 04:06
24 3월14:26 - 20:35 - 02:4414:01 - 03:0813:32 - 03:38 13:02 - 04:07
25 3월14:25 - 20:35 - 02:4414:00 - 03:0913:31 - 03:38 13:01 - 04:08
26 3월14:23 - 20:34 - 02:4513:58 - 03:1013:29 - 03:39 12:59 - 04:09


호텔 Bluegreen Vacations Cibola Vista Resort and Spa an Ascend ResortBluegreen Vacations Cibola Vista Resort and Spa an Ascend Resort

Cibola Vista Resort & Spa is the latest resort to open in the West Valley, just outside of Phoenix. The resort is conveniently located between Phoenix city centre and the beautiful Lake Pleasant and with easy reach of Scottsdale too... 자세히 보기
$US 99
호텔 Holiday Inn Express Peoria North - GlendaleHoliday Inn Express Peoria North - Glendale

This hotel is located in northern Peoria and is 15 miles from Luke Air Force Base. The hotel offers rooms equipped with a microwave and refrigerator. Guestrooms include a flat-screen TV and access to free Wi-Fi at Holiday Inn Express Peoria... 자세히 보기
$US 85
호텔 Comfort Suites Peoria Sports ComplexComfort Suites Peoria Sports Complex

The Comfort Suites Peoria Sports Complex is just one block from the Peoria Sports Complex, home of the Seattle Mariners and San Diego Padres spring training, and six miles from Jobing... 자세히 보기
$US 86
호텔 Residence Inn by Marriott Phoenix Glendale / PeoriaResidence Inn by Marriott Phoenix Glendale / Peoria

This hotel is located off Highway 101 and 4 miles from downtown Peoria. The hotel features a heated outdoor pool and fully equipped kitchen in every suite. Residence Inn by Marriott Phoenix Glendale/ Peoria suites features a dining and seating area... 자세히 보기
$US 160
호텔 Hampton Inn Glendale-PeoriaHampton Inn Glendale-Peoria

Directly across from the Arrowhead Shopping Mall and within driving distance of downtown Phoenix, this Peoria, Arizona hotel offers a free daily hot breakfast along with in-room microwaves and mini-refrigerators... 자세히 보기
$US 107
기타 호텔 »


원자력 발전소

Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station 67.9 km  


직접 링크
DB-City.com피오리아 5/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
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