폴스보코드 (FIPS) | 5355995 |
폴스보우편번호 | 98370 |
폴스보시장 | Becky Erickson |
폴스보연락처 정보
폴스보주소 | 19050 Jensen Way NE Poulsbo WA 98370 United States |
폴스보전화 | ()360) 779-3901 국제: +1 360-779-3901 |
폴스보팩스 | ()360) 779-5112 국제: +1 360-779-5112 |
폴스보이메일 | 없는 |
폴스보웹사이트 | www.cityofpoulsbo.com |
기타 정보 | Cities and Towns in the United States : Poulsbo |
폴스보출생증명서, 폴스보사망증명서 |
폴스보주민수 | 9,200 주민 |
폴스보인구밀도 | 674.5 /㎢ |
폴스보지리좌표 | 위도: 47.7409, 경도: -122.642 47° 44′ 27″ 북쪽, 122° 38′ 31″ 서쪽 |
폴스보구역 | 1,364 헥타르 13.64 ㎢ |
폴스보고도 | 34 m |
폴스보기후 | 지중해성 기후 (쾨펜의 기후 구분: Csb) |
폴스보가까운 도시 및 마을
베인브리지 아일랜드 13.7 km | 우드웨이 19.7 km |
폴스보현지 시간 | |
폴스보시간대 | UTC -8:00 (America/Los_Angeles) 하계 UTC -7:00 동계 UTC -8:00 |
폴스보일출과 일몰
하루 | 일출과 일몰 | 황혼 | 천문 황혼 | 해상 황혼 |
28 3월 | 14:55 - 21:15 - 03:35 | 14:24 - 04:06 | 13:47 - 04:43 | 13:08 - 05:21 |
29 3월 | 14:53 - 21:15 - 04:36 | 14:22 - 05:07 | 13:45 - 05:44 | 13:06 - 06:23 |
30 3월 | 15:51 - 22:14 - 04:38 | 15:20 - 05:09 | 14:43 - 05:46 | 14:04 - 06:25 |
31 3월 | 15:49 - 22:14 - 04:39 | 15:18 - 05:10 | 14:41 - 05:48 | 14:01 - 06:27 |
1 4월 | 15:47 - 22:14 - 04:40 | 15:16 - 05:12 | 14:38 - 05:49 | 13:59 - 06:29 |
2 4월 | 15:45 - 22:13 - 04:42 | 15:14 - 05:13 | 14:36 - 05:51 | 13:56 - 06:30 |
3 4월 | 15:43 - 22:13 - 04:43 | 15:12 - 05:15 | 14:34 - 05:52 | 13:54 - 06:32 |
![]() | GuestHouse Inn & Suites Hotel Poulsbo Historic Downtown Poulsbo is 10 minutes' walk away from this Washington hotel. In the courtyard, a 14-person hot tub is featured. Omelets, bacon and scrambles eggs are just some of the free hot breakfast items offered daily... 자세히 보기 | 부터 $US 79 |
![]() | Poulsbo Inn & Suites Poulsbo Offering views of the Olympic Mountains, this hotel is 15 minutes’ walk from Historic Downtown Poulsbo. A seasonal outdoor pool is located on site. All rooms include free Wi-Fi and a buffet breakfast... 자세히 보기 | 부터 $US 84 |
![]() | Green Cat Guest House Poulsbo Located just 4 miles from Poulsbo city centre on the Kitsap Peninsula, this B&B set on 3 acres of garden features a Finnish sauna and hot tub. Free Wi-Fi is included... 자세히 보기 | 부터 $US 129 |
![]() | Best Western Plus Silverdale Beach Hotel Silverdale The Olympic National Park is 1 hour and 30 minutes’ drive from this Silverdale hotel. Rooms boast city or water views and free Wi-Fi. A flat-screen cable TV is available in all rooms at Best Western Plus Silverdale Beach Hotel... 자세히 보기 | 부터 $US 90 |
![]() | Island Country Inn Bainbridge Island Bainbridge Located on Bainbridge Island, this inn is a 35-minute ferry ride away from Seattle, Washington. Island Country Inn serves a daily continental breakfast and features rooms with free Wi-Fi... 자세히 보기 | 부터 $US 99 |
기타 호텔 » |
직접 링크 | |
DB-City.com | 폴스보 /5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00) |