콜팩스코드 (FIPS) | 0614498 |
콜팩스우편번호 | 95713 |
콜팩스시장 | Ken Delfino |
콜팩스연락처 정보
콜팩스주소 | 33 South Main Street Colfax CA 95713 United States |
콜팩스전화 | ()530) 346-2313 국제: +1 530-346-2313 |
콜팩스이메일 | 없는 |
콜팩스웹사이트 | www.ci.colfax.ca.us |
기타 정보 | Cities and Towns in the United States : Colfax |
콜팩스출생증명서, 콜팩스사망증명서 |
콜팩스주민수 | 1,963 주민 |
콜팩스인구밀도 | 530.5 /㎢ |
콜팩스지리좌표 | 위도: 39.0938, 경도: -120.953 39° 5′ 38″ 북쪽, 120° 57′ 11″ 서쪽 |
콜팩스구역 | 370 헥타르 3.70 ㎢ |
콜팩스고도 | 733 m |
콜팩스기후 | 지중해성 기후 (쾨펜의 기후 구분: Csb) |
콜팩스현지 시간 | |
콜팩스시간대 | UTC -8:00 (America/Los_Angeles) 하계 UTC -7:00 동계 UTC -8:00 |
콜팩스일출과 일몰
하루 | 일출과 일몰 | 황혼 | 천문 황혼 | 해상 황혼 |
1 4월 | 15:47 - 22:07 - 04:27 | 15:20 - 04:54 | 14:48 - 05:26 | 14:15 - 05:59 |
2 4월 | 15:45 - 22:07 - 04:28 | 15:18 - 04:55 | 14:46 - 05:27 | 14:13 - 06:00 |
3 4월 | 15:44 - 22:06 - 04:29 | 15:17 - 04:56 | 14:45 - 05:28 | 14:12 - 06:01 |
4 4월 | 15:42 - 22:06 - 04:30 | 15:15 - 04:57 | 14:43 - 05:29 | 14:10 - 06:02 |
5 4월 | 15:40 - 22:06 - 04:31 | 15:13 - 04:58 | 14:41 - 05:30 | 14:08 - 06:04 |
6 4월 | 15:39 - 22:06 - 04:32 | 15:12 - 04:59 | 14:40 - 05:32 | 14:06 - 06:05 |
7 4월 | 15:37 - 22:05 - 04:33 | 15:10 - 05:00 | 14:38 - 05:33 | 14:04 - 06:06 |
![]() | Sierra Sun Cloud Inn - Colfax Colfax Located at the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, this inn features individually designed rooms with beautiful views. It serves free regional wine and is 6 miles from downtown Colfax, California... 자세히 보기 | 부터 $US 125 |
![]() | Golden Chain Motel Grass Valley Located on 4 wooded acres, this Grass Valley motel offers an outdoor pool. It serves a daily continental breakfast and features BBQ facilities on site. Towers Casino & Card Room is 1 mile away... 자세히 보기 | 부터 $US 55 |
![]() | Coach N Four Grass Valley Located in Grass Valley just 1 mile from Empire Mine State Historic Park, this motel offers guest rooms with free Wi-Fi. A free pastry and coffee are available daily in the lobby... 자세히 보기 | 부터 $US 55 |
![]() | Stagecoach Motel Grass Valley Just off the Golden Center Freeway, this motel is located in historic downtown Grass Valley offers free Wi-Fi access. Coffee is served daily in the lobby. A microwave and a refrigerator are included in each guest room at the Stagecoach Motel... 자세히 보기 | 부터 $US 55 |
![]() | Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Gold Miners Inn-Grass Valley Grass Valley Located in Grass Valley, California, this hotel is 1.3 miles from the Nevada County Fairgrounds. It offers an on-site gym, daily hot breakfast and rooms with a microwave and fridge... 자세히 보기 | 부터 $US 110 |
기타 호텔 » |
원자력 발전소
Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station 84.6 km |
직접 링크 | |
DB-City.com | 콜팩스 /5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00) |