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  11. Serra Grande

Serra Grande

Serra Grande로컬라이제이션 : 국토 브라질, 국가 파라이바.
사용 가능한 정보 : 주소, 전화, 웹사이트, 시장, 지리좌표, 주민수, 고도, 구역, 날씨호텔.
가까운 도시 및 마을 : São José de Caiana, São José de PiranhasBonito de Santa Fé.

Serra Grande정부

Serra Grande코드 (IBGE)2515708
Serra Grande우편번호58900

Serra Grande연락처 정보

Serra Grande주소Rua Vicente Leite de Araujo, s/n
SERRA GRANDE - PB, 58955-000
Serra Grande전화(83) 3498-1056
국제: +55 83 3498-1056
Serra Grande이메일없는
Serra Grande웹사이트www.serragrande.pb.gov.br
기타 정보Cidade Brasil : Serra Grande
Serra Grande출생증명서, Serra Grande사망증명서

Serra Grande인구변동

Serra Grande주민수2,909 주민
Serra Grande인구밀도34.9 /㎢

Serra Grande지리

Serra Grande지리좌표위도: -7.21068, 경도: -38.3657
7° 12′ 38″ 남쪽, 38° 21′ 57″ 서쪽
Serra Grande구역8,347 헥타르
83.47 ㎢
Serra Grande고도547 m
Serra Grande기후사바나 기후 (쾨펜의 기후 구분: Aw)

Serra Grande거리

Serra Grande지도

Serra Grande가까운 도시 및 마을

Serra Grande

Serra Grande현지 시간
Serra Grande시간대UTC -3:00 (America/Fortaleza)
하계와 동계 시간이 표준시간과 동일합니다

Serra Grande날씨

Serra Grande일출과 일몰

하루일출과 일몰황혼천문 황혼해상 황혼
21 3월09:37 - 15:40 - 21:4309:16 - 22:0408:52 - 22:28 08:28 - 22:52
22 3월09:37 - 15:40 - 21:4309:16 - 22:0308:52 - 22:28 08:28 - 22:52
23 3월09:37 - 15:39 - 21:4209:16 - 22:0308:52 - 22:27 08:27 - 22:51
24 3월09:37 - 15:39 - 21:4209:16 - 22:0208:52 - 22:27 08:27 - 22:51
25 3월09:36 - 15:39 - 21:4109:16 - 22:0208:51 - 22:26 08:27 - 22:50
26 3월09:36 - 15:39 - 21:4109:16 - 22:0108:51 - 22:26 08:27 - 22:50
27 3월09:36 - 15:38 - 21:4009:15 - 22:0108:51 - 22:25 08:27 - 22:49

Serra Grande호텔

호텔 Oasis HotelOasis Hotel

Featuring a buffet breakfast, free Wi-Fi and a swimming pool, the Oasis Hotel is just 300 metres from the Cajazeiros Commercial Centre. Restaurants and bars can be found 200 metres away... 자세히 보기
R$ 120
호텔 Jardins Plaza HotelJardins Plaza Hotel

Jardins Plaza Hotel offers simple, yet modern accommodation with a swimming pool and sun terrace, a restaurant and free Wi-Fi, 5 minutes’ drive from Sousa town centre, in Paraíba. Private parking is free... 자세히 보기
R$ 180
호텔 Pousada CalugiPousada Calugi
Featuring an outdoor pool, Pousada Calugi is 1 km from Triunfo Town Centre and 7 km from Pico do Papagaio, the highest peak in Pernambuco State. The guest house offers free breakfast and Wi-Fi... 자세히 보기
R$ 160
호텔 Hotel BrotasHotel Brotas
Afogados da Ingàzeira
Featuring a restaurant, an outdoor pool, and a garden, Hotel Brotas offers free Wi-Fi and meeting facilities in Afogados da Ingàzeira. The hotel is 2 km from Parque de Exposição de Aniamais sports centre and from Afogados da Ingazeira bus terminal... 자세히 보기
R$ 100
호텔 Hotel das FontesHotel das Fontes

Set in a beautiful park with natural pools and springs, Hotel das Fontes is located within Balneário do Caldas complex. It is a 15-minute walk from Riacho do Meio Ecological Park and provides free Wi-Fi... 자세히 보기
R$ 125
기타 호텔 »

Serra Grande인근

Serra Santa Rita 10.5 kmSerra de São Pedro 13 kmSerra São Pedro 14.5 km
Serra Bom Jesus 16 kmSerra Cascavel 19.1 kmSerra Saquinho 21.1 km
Serra Mata Fresca 21.4 kmSerra da Picada 21.9 kmSerra São Bento 23.4 km
Serra da Arara 24.1 kmSerrote Pelado 24.3 kmSerra do Boqueirão 25.3 km
Serra do Cantinho 27.5 kmSerra de Santa Catarina 28.4 kmSerrote Vermelho 29.4 km
Serra do Braga 29.6 km

Serra Grande웹페이지

직접 링크
DB-City.comSerra Grande 3.4/5 (2021-04-08 13:12:18)
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