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  13. Great Haseley

Great Haseley

Great Haseley로컬라이제이션 : 국토 영국, 민족 잉글랜드, 옥스퍼드셔 주.
사용 가능한 정보 : 지리좌표, 고도, 날씨호텔.
가까운 도시 및 마을 : Great Milton, Little MiltonStoke Talmage.

Great Haseley지리

Great Haseley지리좌표위도: 51.7041, 경도: -1.07525
51° 42′ 15″ 북쪽, 1° 4′ 31″ 서쪽
Great Haseley고도90 m
Great Haseley기후해양 기후 (쾨펜의 기후 구분: Cfb)

Great Haseley거리

런던 69 km 가장 가까운브리스틀 108 km버밍엄 103 km
리즈 235 km글래스고 507 km셰필드 189 km
브래드퍼드 237 km맨체스터 211 km에딘버그 492 km
리버풀 229 km카디프 148 km웨이크필드 222 km

Great Haseley지도

Great Haseley가까운 도시 및 마을

Great Haseley

Great Haseley현지 시간
Great Haseley시간대UTC +0:00 (Europe/London)
하계 UTC +1:00
동계 UTC +0:00

Great Haseley날씨

Great Haseley일출과 일몰

하루일출과 일몰황혼천문 황혼해상 황혼
1 7월05:50 - 14:08 - 22:2505:03 - 23:1303:49 - 00:26 01:00 - 01:00
2 7월05:51 - 14:08 - 22:2505:04 - 23:1203:51 - 00:25 01:00 - 01:00
3 7월05:52 - 14:08 - 22:2505:05 - 23:1203:52 - 00:24 01:00 - 01:00
4 7월05:53 - 14:08 - 22:2405:06 - 23:1103:54 - 00:23 01:00 - 01:00
5 7월05:53 - 14:09 - 22:2405:07 - 23:1003:55 - 00:22 01:00 - 01:00
6 7월05:54 - 14:09 - 22:2305:08 - 23:1003:57 - 00:20 01:00 - 01:00
7 7월05:55 - 14:09 - 22:2205:09 - 23:0903:59 - 00:19 01:00 - 01:00

Great Haseley호텔

호텔 The Oxford Belfry - QHotelsThe Oxford Belfry - QHotels

In 17 acres of countryside, The Oxford Belfry is 8 miles from the historic centre of Oxford. Located just off the M40, there is a spa and swimming pool for guests to use... 자세히 보기
£UK 82
호텔 Days Inn Hotel OxfordDays Inn Hotel Oxford

Days Inn Hotel Oxford is 6 miles from Oxford city centre and located off junction 8A of the M40 motorway. It has free Wi-Fi and free parking. The convenient hotel has spacious en suite rooms and a 24-hour reception... 자세히 보기
£UK 40
호텔 The Bat & Ball InnThe Bat & Ball Inn
Situated within the charming Oxfordshire village of Cuddesdon, The Bat & Ball Inn is a former coaching inn offering refurbished rooms and home-cooked food, 15 minutes’ drive from Oxford... 자세히 보기
£UK 50
호텔 Crazy Bear StadhamptonCrazy Bear Stadhampton

Situated just 15 minutes’ drive from Oxford’s historic city centre, Crazy Bear Stadhampton is a boutique hotel with a countryside setting... 자세히 보기
£UK 199
호텔 The Oxfordshire Hotel & SpaThe Oxfordshire Hotel & Spa

With a beautiful golf course, luxury spa and stylish modern rooms, The Oxfordshire is just 20 minutes’ drive from Oxford centre. Free parking and free Wi-Fi are also available... 자세히 보기
£UK 71
기타 호텔 »

Great Haseley인근

원자력 발전소

Berkeley Nuclear Power Station 97.9 kmOldbury Nuclear Power Station 103.4 kmBradwell nuclear power station 136.1 km

Great Haseley웹페이지

직접 링크
DB-City.comGreat Haseley 2.5/5 (2021-05-27 07:38:56)
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