Hébertville코드 | 93020 |
Hébertville우편번호 | G8N1S8 |
Hébertville시장 | Marc Richard |
Hébertville연락처 정보
Hébertville주소 | 351, rue Turgeon Hébertville, QC G8N1S8 Canada |
Hébertville전화 | (418) 344-1302 국제: +1 418-344-1302 |
Hébertville팩스 | (418) 344-4618 국제: +1 418-344-4618 |
Hébertville이메일 | [email protected] |
Hébertville웹사이트 | www.ville.hebertville.qc.ca |
기타 정보 | Municipality Canada : Hébertville |
Hébertville출생증명서, Hébertville사망증명서 |
Hébertville주민수 | 2,542 주민 |
Hébertville인구밀도 | 9.7 /㎢ |
Hébertville지리좌표 | 위도: 48.4, 경도: -71.6833 48° 24′ 0″ 북쪽, 71° 40′ 60″ 서쪽 |
Hébertville구역 | 26,106 헥타르 261.06 ㎢ |
Hébertville고도 | 149 m |
Hébertville기후 | 습윤 대륙성 기후 (쾨펜의 기후 구분: Dfb) |
Hébertville가까운 도시 및 마을
Hébertville-Station 5.7 km | Saint-Bruno 7.8 km | Saint-Gédéon 12.7 km |
Larouche 13.5 km | Métabetchouan–Lac-à-la-Croix 14 km | 알마 16.9 km |
Desbiens 19.8 km |
Hébertville현지 시간 | |
Hébertville시간대 | UTC -5:00 (America/Montreal) 하계 UTC -4:00 동계 UTC -5:00 |
Hébertville일출과 일몰
하루 | 일출과 일몰 | 황혼 | 천문 황혼 | 해상 황혼 |
1 4월 | 12:23 - 18:50 - 01:17 | 11:51 - 01:49 | 11:13 - 02:27 | 10:33 - 03:07 |
2 4월 | 12:21 - 18:50 - 01:18 | 11:49 - 01:50 | 11:11 - 02:28 | 10:31 - 03:09 |
3 4월 | 12:19 - 18:49 - 01:20 | 11:47 - 01:52 | 11:09 - 02:30 | 10:28 - 03:11 |
4 4월 | 12:17 - 18:49 - 01:21 | 11:45 - 01:53 | 11:07 - 02:32 | 10:26 - 03:13 |
5 4월 | 12:15 - 18:49 - 01:23 | 11:43 - 01:55 | 11:04 - 02:33 | 10:23 - 03:14 |
6 4월 | 12:13 - 18:49 - 01:24 | 11:41 - 01:56 | 11:02 - 02:35 | 10:21 - 03:16 |
7 4월 | 12:11 - 18:48 - 01:26 | 11:39 - 01:58 | 11:00 - 02:37 | 10:18 - 03:18 |
![]() | Gîte des Aulnaies Hébertville Lac Vert is 3 km from this guest accommodation in Hébertville, Quebec. A hearty breakfast is offered each morning in the country style dining room. Guest rooms include cable TV... 자세히 보기 | 부터 C$ 68 |
![]() | Auberge Presbytere Mont Lac-Vert Hébertville Overlooking Lac Vert (Green Lake), this historic Hebertville property was the first presbytery in the Lac-Saint-Jean area. Built in 1917, it features free Wi-Fi and an on-site restaurant and bar... 자세히 보기 | |
![]() | Appartement du Lac 3 chambres Metabetchouan This apartment is located in Métabetchouan-Lac-à-la-Croix in the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region and is 10 minutes’ drive from Plage Le Rigolet Beach. It is fully furnished and includes a private terrace... 자세히 보기 | 부터 C$ 120 |
![]() | Appartement du Lac (2 Adultes) Metabetchouan This fully furnished apartment is located in Métabetchouan-Lac-à-la-Croix in the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region. It is 10 minutes’ drive from Plage Le Rigolet Beach and includes a private terrace... 자세히 보기 | 부터 C$ 95 |
![]() | Appartement du Vieil Édifice Metabetchouan This apartment in Métabetchouan-Lac-à-la-Croix is just 6 km from Lac Saint-Jean and 10 km from Le Rigolet Beach. It comes fully furnished, complete with a large balcony... 자세히 보기 | 부터 C$ 77 |
기타 호텔 » |
Ile d’ Alma 20.4 km | Alma 20.4 km |
직접 링크 | |
DB-City.com | Hébertville /5 (2021-04-01 08:51:25) |