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  13. 크호즈


크호즈로컬라이제이션 : 국토 프랑스, 지역 누벨아키텐, 부서 크뢰즈.
사용 가능한 정보 : 주소, 전화, 팩스, 이메일, 시장, 지리좌표, 주민수, 구역, 고도, 날씨호텔.
가까운 도시 및 마을 : 쥐우, ClairavauxPoussanges.


크호즈코드 (INSEE)23071
크호즈시장씨 Didier TERNAT

크호즈연락처 정보

크호즈주소La Grattade
23500 CROZE
크호즈전화05 55 66 93 52
국제: +33 5 55 66 93 52
크호즈팩스05 55 66 94 63
국제: +33 5 55 66 94 63
크호즈이메일[email protected]
기타 정보Croze
크호즈출생증명서, 크호즈사망증명서


크호즈주민수191 주민
크호즈인구밀도8.6 /㎢


크호즈지리좌표위도: 45.8189, 경도: 2.16083
45° 49′ 8″ 북쪽, 2° 9′ 39″ 동쪽
크호즈구역2,216 헥타르
22.16 ㎢
크호즈고도최소 518 미터, 최대 841 미터, 평균 680 미터
크호즈기후해양 기후 (쾨펜의 기후 구분: Cfb)


파리 333 km마르세유 379 km리옹 208 km 가장 가까운
툴루즈 253 km니스 468 km낭트 324 km
몽펠리에 283 km스트라스부르 522 km보르도 242 km
540 km 387 km라임스 408 km


크호즈가까운 도시 및 마을


크호즈현지 시간
크호즈시간대UTC +1:00 (Europe/Paris)
하계 UTC +2:00
동계 UTC +1:00


크호즈일출과 일몰

하루일출과 일몰황혼천문 황혼해상 황혼
1 7월06:05 - 13:55 - 21:4505:27 - 22:2304:36 - 23:13 03:27 - 00:22
2 7월06:06 - 13:55 - 21:4405:28 - 22:2204:37 - 23:13 03:29 - 00:21
3 7월06:06 - 13:55 - 21:4405:29 - 22:2204:38 - 23:12 03:30 - 00:20
4 7월06:07 - 13:55 - 21:4405:29 - 22:2204:39 - 23:12 03:31 - 00:19
5 7월06:08 - 13:56 - 21:4305:30 - 22:2104:40 - 23:11 03:33 - 00:18
6 7월06:08 - 13:56 - 21:4305:31 - 22:2104:41 - 23:11 03:34 - 00:17
7 7월06:09 - 13:56 - 21:4305:32 - 22:2004:42 - 23:10 03:36 - 00:16


호텔 Le Moulin de TeiteixLe Moulin de Teiteix
Located in Saint-Avit-de-Tardes, Le Moulin de Teiteix is a former windmill dating back to 1856 and it offers a 1-hectare garden as well as 2 terraces. Château de Villemonteix is a 35-minute drive away... 자세히 보기
€ 79
호텔 Hotel La BeauzeHotel La Beauze

Built in 1890 and surrounded by a big park, this hotel features a bar and free Wi-Fi internet access. It is located in Aubusson, famous for its tapestry manufacture, also included in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List... 자세히 보기
€ 65
호텔 Hotel Le FranceHotel Le France

Located in the heart of Aubusson, the world capital of tapestry art, Hotel Le France welcomes you in the traditional setting of an 18th-century coaching inn. Hotel Le France offers 21 renovated rooms combining charm and character... 자세히 보기
€ 71
호텔 Hotel Le ChapitreHotel Le Chapitre

Set in the main street of Aubusson, this hotel is the ideal place to discover this beautiful city famous for its tapestry and exhibitions. The Le Chapitre hotel is a good value for money accommodation... 자세히 보기
€ 44
호텔 La ChaumièreLa Chaumière
Located in the Millevaches Regional Natural Park, La Chaumière is a traditional-style guest house which offers a communal library. It includes a garden and Etang de la Méouze is 1.4 km away. Free Wi-Fi access is available... 자세히 보기
€ 65
기타 호텔 »


Plateau de Millevaches 7.9 kmForêt de Magnat 8 kmBois de Châtres 12.8 km
Forêt de Blessac 16.8 kmForêt de Châteauvert 17.6 kmBarrage de Chammet 17.9 km
Servières. Barrage de 18.2 kmBarrage de Servière 18.2 kmChâteau de Layrit 21.4 km
Forêt de Mirambel 21.7 kmForêt de Bellechassagne 23.6 kmBois de Crozat 24.4 km
Les Cars 24.6 kmLe Ronzet 26.3 kmChâteau du Ronzet 26.3 km
Château du Rouzel 26.3 kmPuy Pendu 26.5 kmMont Bessou 28.3 km
Mont Besson 28.3 kmChâteaubrun 28.9 kmChâteau Brun 28.9 km

원자력 발전소

Centrale nucléaire de Civaux 136.3 km  


직접 링크
DB-City.com크호즈 3.7/5 (2022-01-03 18:24:45)
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